Convert PST to GMT time zone

In the graph below you see the time zone difference between Pacific Standard Time and Greenwich Mean Time. Drag the bubble to adjust the time and to see the corresponding time in the other time zone.

03040506070809 1011121314151617181920212223 000102

Tips for converting PST to GMT

Pacific Standard Time is the time zone of the Canadian and US West Coast, including cities like Seattle, Vancouver, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Greenwich Mean Time is the time zone of the 0 meridian, located in London, United Kingdom, with places like London, Lisbon and Dublin (in the winter).

When is the best time to schedule a meeting with PST and GMT?

Usually it is preferable to schedule meetings before lunch for the person in PST and in the late afternoon for the person in GMT.

Other common time zone conversions

More PST conversions

More GMT conversions

How to find a good time for a meeting between Pacific Standard Time (PST) and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Time zones can be a real hassle and is often the basis for a lot of confusion. Who is ahead and who is behind? And when do the others work and how can we find not just an overlap that is convenient with regards to timezones – but also where we all have free slots in our busy calendars?

When trying to find the best time to schedule a meeting between someone who is on Pacific Standard Time (or Pacific Daylight Time in the summer, which means they are one hour ahead) and someone who is on Greenwich Mean Time (which never adjusts for Daylight Saving Time as GMT is the ”zero time”) there are a few things to consider.

First, make sure that the location where the person who is on GMT is actually observing GMT at the moment – London and all of the United Kingdom for example use BST, or British Summer Time, in the summer, which is one hour ahead of GMT.

Second, to remember who is ahead and who is behind it can be helpful to think that the sun rises in the East – and as all the locations in GMT like London and Iceland are further to the East than the US West Coast with places like Los Angeles, Seattle and San Francisco – the sun will hit GMT before PST. So when converting between the two, GMT will always be the one ahead.

Third, as the time difference between these two locations is 8 hours it means that typically the person who is in Western Europe will have to take the meeting late in the day to allow the person in for example California to wake up. This can be a bit difficult as most people in London work from 8 or 9AM to 5 or 6PM, so by the time it is 9AM in San Francisco, it is already 5PM in London.

As you can see, converting PST to GMT comes with a couple of tricky points, but if you use the MyMeetingTime timezone converter above you should be fine! Happy meeting!

About PST

Pacific Standard Time is the time of the Western United States and Canada and is typically abbreviated as PST. It is 8 hours behind GMT. This means that when the clock is noon in London (GMT), it is 4AM in Seattle (PST).

Where it is observed:

Most of the Western US and Canada are following Pacific Standard Time.

DST and summer time:

This can be a bit tricky as most states on the US Pacific Coast do apply daylight saving time, calling PST for PDT, or Pacific Daylight Time, instead and sets the clocks in November and March respectively.

About GMT

GMT, or Greenwich Mean Time, is the zero when it comes to time zones – they are all counted from the zero meridian that runs through the village of Greenwich.


While both the UK and Portugal are officially on GMT you need to pay attention to whether they are actually observing it or are using their own. Britain in the summer for example use British Summer Time – which is different than GMT.

Common cities using GMT:

London, Lisbon, Dublin, Edinburgh

Daylight Saving Time and summer time:

GMT does not observe DST as it is the zero hour time zone – it never changes.